Time Universe and Space Universe The Powers Latent in The Universe and The Stalemate of Modern Spiritual Thinking

(著) 友永幸二郎



The pre-scientific way of thinking was predominantly a way of thinking that combined ideas that floated in the human brain, rather than constructing facts. Humans have had those thoughts for a long time. There is no formation of the real world by precise thought, and many delusions appear, made on floating thoughts. In the age of scientific thinking, emphasis is placed on the function of agglutinating space, which is the basis of space formation and the fundamental function of the universe. The human mind moved from a mind dominated by delusions to observed facts and the workings of consciousness that constituted them. Facts have come to dominate one's thoughts.
Author biography

Kojiro Tomonaga
1969 Graduated from the Department of Aesthetics, Faculty of Letters, The University of Tokyo.
The book ""Realization and Expression-What Time Creates"" Published by REVOOK.COM
The book ""Mind and Time ─ How the Universe Appears and How Is It Possible to Approach What Has Not Appeared?"" Published by Parade


