The wisdom of our ancestors learned from the classics -“Ancient Teachings Illuminate the Spirit” and Other Selected Writings-

(著) 久保茂明



Referencing the lessons and teachings of ancient Chinese classics, Kubo wishes the next generation of Japanese to learn about themselves and gain insight in their lives.

[Author Biography]

Kubo Shigeaki

Born in Miyazaki Prefecture in March 1936. After completing an evening program at Chiba Prefectural Higashi Katsushika High School, dropped out from the Department of English, Faculty of Letters at Nihon University in 1958, and joined Nippon Denpa Kohosha. In April 1959, participated in the establishment of Koueikyougi Shinposha, Inc., and launched the magazine “Shuukan Resu” (週間レース, “Weekly Race”). In 1960, the company changed its name to Shuukan Resusha Co., Ltd. Engaged in sales planning and editing, Kubo served as Managing Director before becoming Representative Director in 1980. After assuming the new position, put the management of the company on track, and published comments on public sports in the column of “Kangen Kango” in “Shuukan Resu” magazine. Kubo also published articles on public sports such as ‘Sport Encyclopedia’ (edited by Japan Sports Critics Association), ‘Advanced Sports Dictionary’ (Taishukan Shoten), and also became a member of various industries and related organizations. Retired from the position of Representative Director in March 2005. Kubo published “I'm Worried About the Future of Public Sports Industry” in March 2007 (592-page book in A5 size), and “The Natural World, Human Beings and Life: Nourishing Lessons from the I Ching” in July 2012 (296-page book in A5 size). They were donated to public libraries, university libraries, and such.


