The True Nature of Stress The Incorporation of Non-linear Theory

(著) 山下剛利



The state of the mind is a mysterious thing. A source of inspiration for one, may cause depression in another. Stress-induced illnesses including anxiety, phobias, and various disorders are increasing in our modern society. The author's background in Medicine and Psychiatry offer an in-depth look into actual patient cases, and the steps he had taken to help them using non-linear theory.

【Author Biography】
Taketoshi Yamashita

Born in Tokushima prefecture in 1945. Graduate of Tokushima University School of Medicine. After working as an assistant in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurology at the University Hospital, Yamashita became the chairman of the medical corporation Aizatokai in 1992. Concurrently served as the director of Aizato Patio Clinic, in 2003, and retired from as chairman in 2006. Currently, is Honorary Director of Aizato Patio Clinic. From 1974 to 1994, Yamashita served as the director of the Japan Psychiatry and Neurology Society, and from 1974 to 1997, served as chairman of the "Committee on Psychiatric Medicine and Law" of the same society.

His major works include "Critique of the Mental Health Law" (Nippon Hyoron Sha) and "Treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder" (in collaboration with Kongo Publishing).
Aizatokai Medical Corporation/Aizato Hospital
Aizato Pathio Clinic Corporation


