The Parenting Diary of the Zitting Cisticola

(著) 春田行夫



This is Yacho Park where many wild bird friends live.
This is the place where one of the smallest wild birds in Japan, the "zitting cisticola", lives.
Every spring, the zitting cisticola builds a new nest in this field.
Many children have come outside to observe today.
Let's observe the nest of the zitting cisticola together.

Zitting cisticola
It is smaller than a sparrow and about thirteen centimeters long. In March, the breeding season begins and nesting begins. It is designated as an endangered species (a species at risk of becoming endangered) or near-threatened species by the prefecture.
* What is Near-Threatened Species?
Although the risk of extinction (risk of the animal disappearing) is small now, it is a species that may reach the level of extinction depending on changes to the place where it lives.

【Author profile】
Ikuo Haruta

Born in Tanegashima in 1939. Graduated from Kagoshima Prefectural Nakatane High School in 1957. Graduated from the Department of Literature, Kwansei Gakuin University in 1963.
Faculty at the Osaka University of Commerce High School (retired in 2000). In 1980, started to photograph Japanese cranes in Kushiro, Hokkaido. In 1987, held a solo exhibition in Fujiidera City, "Red-Crowned Crane". Selected for the Kodak Exhibition in 1993. Following this, had "Steller's Sea Eagle", selected for the JPS exhibition, then again on multiple occasions thereafter.
In 1997, was the JPS Exhibition Silver Award Winner for "Child-Rearing of the Zitting Cisticola". Published the photo book, "Tanegashima Kaido" in 1998.
Participated in the JPS exhibition "Japan in the Light: A Year Taken by 1000 Photographers".
In 2001, held a solo exhibition in Habikino City: Nature of Minamikawachi, "Wild Birds of Ishikawa". Submitted "Sandpiper" at SSP (Japan Natural Science Photography Association member) exhibition.
Participated in the 25th anniversary photo book of SSP in 2002.

Main photographic activity is "Nature in Minamikawachi", but continues to photograph wild birds and landscapes. Ikuo enjoys photographing large wild birds, such as Japanese cranes, swans, Steller's sea eagles, and white-tailed eagles.

Ikuo is currently photographing the breeding ecologies of the zitting cisticola and oriental reed warbler. In addition to photographing world heritage sites in Japan and abroad, Ikuo has also published them on his website. He also provided photography for books and printed media.
Member of the Japan Society of Scientific Photography, member of The Japan Society for Arts and History of Photography, All Japan Pensioners’ Union, and member of the "Utsurunkai" Habikino Branch Photo Club.


