Scenery that holds the heart - Continued Journey of Time

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[About the product]
-Is that the person I used to be at the end of the scenery?-
A painter is surely confining his own life with paints on a canvas. That time is still flowing through landscapes, still lifes, and people. This is the second collection of paintings on the journey of time, where you can enjoy the scenery that one painter encountered in his life.

[Comment from person in charge]
The appeal of paintings varies from person to person, but I think anyone can enjoy a landscape with bright and soft colors. I would be happy if you could look at the works as you feel in your heart and enjoy the journey of time beyond each landscape.

[Author profile]
Hiroshi Arikado
1930 Born in Fushiki, Takaoka City, Toyama Prefecture Graduated from Fushiki Elementary School in 1943
1948 Graduated from Takaoka Junior High School
1952 Graduated from Kanazawa Higher Normal School Mathematics Department and got a job at Fushiki High School
1991 Retired from Takaoka Minami High School 2006 Art book published


