Proper Faith and Practice A Study of the "Original Concept of God"

(著) 吉久治之



A sequel to "Basic Considerations on God and Man" this thought provoking follow-up discusses the "original concept of God". What is God when all impurities of established religions are removed? In other words, what is God without the outward rituals and doctrines of a religion? Haruyuki hopes that his neutral stance and analysis will help you to make a new discovery about religion, and believes our future lives will open up with these discoveries.

[Author Profile]
Haruyuki Yoshihisa

Born in 1945 in Kagawa Prefecture
Graduated from the University of Tokyo, Faculty of Law
Lives in Tokyo
He is the author of "Basic Considerations on God and Man: The End of Existing Religions" (2014, Bungeisha), "Proper Faith and Practice" (2018, Bungeisha), "Buddha's enlightenment" (2019, Bungeisha), and "Basic Considerations on God and Man: An Attempt to Go Beyond Existing Religions" (ebook) (2019, 22nd Century Art)


