No Aircraft Carriers At Pearl Harbor...A Victory In War Intelligence

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It is deeply moving to know that the Pearl Harbor attack will be discussed hereafter as a case of successful strategic deception, rather than as the narrower issue of failure in gathering information. The revision of the history of the Second World War is steadly progressing. I would like to fully congratulate the author, Mr. Shiramatsu. Ryuichi Kashihara, Intelligence Researcher Drawing from a multitude of documents found in both Japanese and American archives, this book is the result of a thorough investigation into the Pearl Harbor attack- one that convincingly challenges the conventional theory, which is allegedly based on “ Circumstantial Evidence.” Kazuhiko Yoshida, Professor Emeritus at Kobe University, Historian Overcoming the theory of Roosevelt’ s conspiracy by thorough investigation of the facts, this book puts an end to the controversy over the Pearl Harbor attack Robert B. Stinnett, author of Day of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor


