First Love Diary: Collection of Memories

(著) 森田貞男



Morita's collection the joys, sorrows, and memories spanning his lifetime written over two years. Experiences ranging from his first cigarette to his first love, Morita's sentimental and enjoyable short narratives are a joy to read.

【Author's Career】
Sadao Morita

March 23, 1932: He was born in Odochi, Mononobe Village, Kami County, Kochi Prefecture, as the second son of his father, Taro ASA and his mother, Fukue.
January, 1937: His older sister Shigemi died from a sudden illness (at the age of 13).
March, 1944: His older brother Yoshichika died in the Pacific islands (at the age of 18).
March, 1949: After graduating from Odochi Junior High School in Mononobe Village, Kami District, he engaged in the family business of agriculture.
February, 1954: His father Asataro suddenly died of an illness (he was 63 years old).
July, 1955: His grandmother, Shichi, passed away at the age of 91.
From this day on, the author became alone with her mother.
October, 1960: Joined Tosa-Shimizu Fisheries Radio Station in Tosa-Shimizu City, Kochi Prefecture as a radio operator
June, 1961: Married Junko YAMAMOTO of Mononobe Village, Kami County.
May, 1962: His first daughter Yasuyo was born.
June, 1967: The birth of his first son, Akinori.
April, 1982: His mother, Fukue, passed away (at the age of 79).
December, 1982: Resigned from the Tosa-Shimizu Fisheries Radio Station due to circumstances
March, 1983: He moved to his current address.
April, 1984: he joined Kashiho-hamako Co., Ltd., Kochi City, and in December of the same year, he resigned from the company for some reason.
March, 1988: Joined Kochi Branch, Kyoei Life Insurance Co., Ltd.
October, 1988: His first daughter Yasuyo married Kazuhiro Yamamoto of Noichi-cho, Konan City.
February, 1990: First grandchild, Sayaka, was born.
July, 1991: Tomoko, his second grandchild, was born.
March, 1992: Retired from Kyoei Life Insurance Co., Ltd.
October, 1996: He self-published a collection of his poems' Chocho (Butterfly). '
January, 1997: His third grandchild, Ichiro born
June, 1999: The fourth grandchild, Kenji, was born.
June, 2005: " Flower Essay Collection Sumire (Pansy)" was self-published.


