(著) 富田升藏



About this book

I was born in a farmer’s family, so I was doing agriculture for a long time, but then I entered a position at local municipal government. In the end of March 2012 I retired. That time I made a book of poems, devoted to four seasons.
A way that brought me to poetry was long - I used to listen to classic music as I heard that it was good for right part of the brain, and bought a lot of CD’s, and once in a book shop I saw a book - “Poetry for the right part of the brain” - I was very interested, and for writing myself I bought sketch books, books for poetry beginners etc. - that was twenty one years ago. Before that, I didn’t even see poems usually published in the newspapers, and my life never ever connected me to the thing called “poem”. So I studied poetry by myself for twenty one years, putting seasonal feelings and sceneries I experienced in my life in “five-seven-five” lines - I did my best to express all my feelings there. I always thought that to get better you have to write regularly, so I put my poems to newspapers and magazines, and sent it to poetry communities, making words “strength in regularity” my motto, but I was never interested in becoming a teacher. That is why I was never tied up to a “form” or “tradition”, and extracted my feeling inspiration to “seventeen” syllables. This book is a collection of my feelings.
I want to thank everybody who helped me to bring this poems to publishing through years of work.

July 2015 Masuzo Tomita

Poet profile

Masuzo Tomita

Born on July 4th 1951 in Oota, Chichibu, Saitama prefecture.
Worked as a farmer, then entered a municipal office and retire in the end of March 2012.
Studied Japanese poetry for twenty one year by himself.
His masterpieces were a part of exhibition at Sankei newspaper cover gallery.
Published in “Geijutsukai”. Got a prize at Japanese Literature Prize Award.


