Ark :The myth of the ark saves humanity begins

(著) 井上朝廣



The phone rang somewhere.
(I wish someone would pick it up. It's still ringing. I wonder if it's the phone next door. Oh, it’s so annoying I wish the caller would give up.)
Fusae Miyagawa opened her eyes slightly on the futon. Her mind was still asleep and hazy.
(It seems to be our phone. Is it a wrong number again?)
She got up grudgingly. The clock at the bedside read a little past 3 a.m.
(It's insane, calling at this time! I hope it’s not Setsuko's boyfriend again.)
Setsuko, her eldest daughter, who was in her second year of high school, recently got a boyfriend and often made lengthy phone calls. The other day, she talked for two-and-a-half hours, past 1 a.m.
(It's probably because of Setsuko that the telephone bill is higher. I should make you scold her. She doesn't listen to what I say.)
Fusae, hoping that the telephone would stop ringing, was about to get up and slowly walk toward the phone at the entrance, placing one hand on the corridor’s wall to support her.

Tomohiro Inoue
Born in Yokohama in 1938.
Entered Shioyama Elementary School in 1945.
After graduating from Onari Elementary School in Kamakura City and Hie Elementary School in Yokohama City, he graduated from Maita Elementary School in Yokohama City.
Graduated from Kanto Gakuin Junior and Senior High School.
Graduated from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 1958, Master's course.
Joined Toshiba Corporation in the same year and assigned to the Thermal Power Engineering Department. Since then, has been engaged in the development, planning, design and construction of thermal power plants in Japan and overseas.
Resident in Melbourne in 1967.
From 1976, he retired in March 1998 after working as a planning section manager, development section manager, heavy electric accounting department estimation planning section manager, electric power planning department manager, thermal power planning department manager, general planning department manager, thermal engineer manager, and technical supervisor.
"Pangania Volume 1"
"Pangania Volume 2"


