A Fusion of Love and Miracles: Reve

(著) 丹正東岳



The world you see, the world you feel, the people you interact with. The plants and animals, the earth, the sea, and the sky. Everything is you. The world you are seeing and feeling is you. Following an attempted suicide, the author's soul awakened when he discovered Shugendo and embarking on a pilgrimage. His later visit to Jerusalem was the catalyst for this book.

[Author bio]
Tougaku Tanjyou

Born in Okayama Prefecture, April in Showa28
Achieved the Sennichimae peak in Heisei 3
Heisei 6, Achieved fasting forty days
Heisei 7, Lantern Daigoma service training at the Tomb of Genghis Khan, Inner Mongolia
Currently sponsors Shugendojyo and Kodosha



