Metabolism in Transportation and Urbanism : Town Planning Aiming for Coexistence of People and Cars

(著) 安藤郁夫



The oil shocks of the late 1970s and early 1980s brought an end to the era of high growth represented by the car-first mentality, and a complete change from low growth to stable growth. However, most cities in Japan are still suffering from the distortions that have accumulated in the process of developing urban motorization.
 Urban transportation is now destined to undergo a drastic transformation.
 Awareness of the degradation of the urban environment and expectations for the restoration of the humanity of cities are growing by the day.
 However, we are still unable to find a clue to correct the contradictions inherent in the automobile, which has had a great impact on urban life from the past to the present, or in other words, has contributed greatly to the formation of the modern city.
 Although a conceptual vision of the future can be envisioned, the methodology of how to approach it is still in the dark.
 What I will describe in this book is a proposal for a steady but certain improvement of urban transportation, focusing on correcting the distortions caused by automobile traffic, and a proposal for the formation of a comfortable living environment in the city, mainly for pedestrians, which will have a mutually beneficial effect in response.
Before discussing these issues, I must mention my impression of England, which has never left my mind, as one of the motivations.
 This in itself may be just an impression, but I think it gives us a glimpse into the background of modern Britain, with its timidly cautious attitude toward historical change, its adherence to lifestyles adapted to the climate, its steady development adapted to the environment, and its rational thinking unconstrained by rules. I think we can catch a glimpse of materials for reflection on many problems that Japan has overstepped in the past.
 From this, I hope that you will be able to feel how important it is to think in terms of metabolism, which emphasizes the process of development, rather than a completed vision of the future, which is the basic idea of this book.

【Author Biography】
Ikuo Ando

Born in 1934 and raised in Hokkaido.
After graduating from Hakodate Nishi High School, he graduated from the Department of Civil Engineering, Muroran Institute of Technology in 1957.
In April of the same year, he got a job at the Civil Engineering Department in Aichi Prefecture.
He has been with the Aichi Prefectural Police Department for two years since 1966.
Then he was in the Traffic (Safety) Countermeasures Office of the Planning Department for 11 years.
He has been engaged in traffic safety measures for a total of 13 years.
After that, he mainly worked in the civil engineering department, and after working at the Nagoya Expressway Public Corporation, etc.
He retired in 1994.
Currently, Technical Advisor of Kictec Inc., Advisor of Sato Kogyo Co., Ltd. (Nagoya Branch)


