Dream tomorrow

(著) 片山美代子



First of all, "Kyoto, one day," happened 20 years ago. On a return train from Toyama. While attending the award ceremony for Northern Japan Literature, I came across a scene where a young woman quietly wiped her tears away. At that time, there was something that flashed in my heart. On the day of the award ceremony, I was favorably impressed by the kindness of a newspaper's culture reporter who took care of me, but he promptly walked into work and then walked away with the woman. In this way, the outline of the story was completed immediately, but it is a work that has been warming up in my heart for many years, which is unusual for me.
In "Wind in May," the daughter of a family that outsiders envied as the perfect couple with a happy family becomes a mother herself, revealing many of her intimate confessions. ── My mother is selfish and doesn't even try to wake up in the morning, so I had no choice but to cook breakfast for myself since elementary school. I was surprised at the unexpected words, and I wondered what kind of middle-aged woman she was.
"Repentance" was inspired by a story that a friend who died seven years ago unexpectedly told me on the night of a workshop in another prefecture. It is said that more than 30 years ago, her son, who was in the first grade of elementary school, fell from the railing on the stairs after school and smashed his head to death. On the way back and forth, there was always a senior transfer student girl who made friends with him for some reason. However, after the fall, the family suddenly moved and became suspicious, but she said she couldn't do anything because there was no evidence. I started the story when this girl became a parent and suddenly remembered that day that had disappeared beyond her memory. I took up the pen with the thought that everyone has hurt others and committed sins in the past, whether heavily or lightly.
"Dream Tomorrow" was inspired by an old friend who lives in pure love. When I was young, I was very impressed when I read Yoichi Nakagawa's "A Moonflower in Heaven." For the time being, the story stuck to my heart, and when I noticed, I was chanting the words of the main character in my mouth. The story's conclusion is tragic, but I even admired how wonderful it was to continue to love people so purely. One day I wanted to write a story about a person who loves a woman (even a man). As I wrote, my imagination expanded forever, and I sang it as a hymn of love. It is a great pleasure for me to be able to publish the tenth collection in this way.

【Author Biography】
Miyo Hayama

Born in Hualien City, Taiwan, in 1941.
1964 Graduated from the Department of History, Faculty of Letters, Hiroshima University.
Worked at Fukuyama Akenohoshi Girls' High School for two years from 1964.
Worked at Hiroshima Jogakuin Junior and Senior High School since 1967.
1985 CHUGOKU SHIMBUN presided over "The 17th Newcomer Award."
1986 THE KITANIPPON SHIMBUN presided over "the 20th northern Japan Prize for Literature '' Encouragement Prize.
"The Faraway Southern Cross" was nominated for the 1996 Women's Newcomer's Award by Chuokoron-sha.
2000 Retired from Hiroshima Jogakuin Junior and Senior High School.
"Suiryu" member (Hiroshima City), "Hiroshima Bungeiha" member (Hatsukaichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture), "Kaimu" member (Hiroshima City).

"Summer of the place of assignment" (Kindaibungei-sha, published in 1991)
"There is a time to love" (same, 1994)
"Recollection of Jebel Musa" (same, 1997)
"Catch the Wind" (same, 1999)
"Spring Storm" (same, 2001)
"How many springs" (same, 2003)
"Purple Color Dawn" (same, 2006)
"At the Island of the Citadel" (same, 2009)
"Rainbow of Twilight" (same as 2011)


