Even When We Die, We Don't Die: My Afterlife Experience

(著) 上原忍



Death is the eternal challenge for humankind living in the present. Everyone will someday die. However, what is on the other side of death is unknown. Many religions preach, but do they have a compelling answer regarding the afterlife? Many people have attended school for at least twelve years, but even school does not teach anything. This is perhaps why the results of various questionnaire show many people believe there is nothing after death. The same is true of opinions of scientists, that modern people rely on. According to a 1998 paper published in “Nature”, a prestigious natural science magazine, when members of the National Science Academy were asked whether they believed in God, 72% of the members did not. In other words, many researchers are atheists, and believe that there is nothing after the body dies.

They will likely explain that because consciousness is a phenomenon in the brain, when the body ceases to function, consciousness also disappears. In addition, you, who have picked up this book must also believe you do not know unless you die?

For this reason, death comes upon us as a mysterious horror. For example, as old age and death approach, thinking about it without coming to a conclusion, will cause somber feelings and depression. However, can modern science really reach a conclusion about the presence or absence of postmortem consciousness? Do you not think that just because scientific methods cannot prove it, it is a little forcible to say there is nothing after death, simply because brain waves are undetectable when the body dies?

In this book, I will attempt to answer this question based on the research of the afterlife in Europe and the United States, and my experience. Even without a body, the soul remains. The soul is immortal. Even if you die, your soul will not die. I would like to share my conclusions that death is nothing more than the door to the afterlife.

The experiences written in this book are like a dream journal, so they written in short story format. However, my experiences are what are called lucid dreams. Especially under lucid dreaming, it is said astral projection (same as out-of-body experience) is likely to occur, and also possible to experience the ghost world, where we first go after death. This time, I have taken and edited excerpts from my blog (Chronicles of Visits to the Ghost World). For this reason, I have described my experiences from 2009 to 2015, and because I was at the site of the Tohoku earthquake when it hit, I have also written about those who have lost their lives during the disaster, as well as their lives in the ghost world.

Now, these dream experiences are not the usual psychological and scientific analysis that are usually performed, as my intent is to explain spiritualism to the general public through spiritual analysis obtained from afterlife research. This is a record based personal experience using the Hemi-Sync method, one of the modern technologies to learn about the afterlife. However, it also intends to give readers a stimulated experience of the afterlife.

【Author's Biography】

Shinobu Uehara

Dentist and Doctor of Dentistry. Member of Fukurai Institute of Psychology, Inc. (Director)

Member of Japan Psychic Science Association, Inc.

Member of Japan Holistic Medical Society Nonprofit Organization

1952: Born in Gunma Prefecture

1976: Graduated from Gunma University

1982: Graduated from Tohoku University School of Dentistry

Written works include “Afterlife Experience Through Hemi-Sync (Marvelous Vision and its Verification)” (Published by Bungeisha, September 2008), and “Hemi-Sync and Spiritualism (Guide and Earthquake Experience)” (Published by Bungeisha, March 2012).


Chronicles of Visits to the Ghost World (http://ameblo.jp/toritori98/)


