Nana and Jean:Memories of Youth sprouting in the Showa 20s

(著) 鵜飼宏明



This is an autobiographical record of my younger days, describing the events of the three years from 1950. In a sense, it is a semi-documentary-style personal novel.
At the time, I was enrolled in the first year of a new university and was involved in theater club activities and planning regional performances. This is an unadorned and honest account of my love life and daily reflections during that time, in other words, a record of a young man’s growth.

[Author Biography]
Hiroaki Ukai

1930 Born in Kyoto, Japan
1948 Graduated with a degree in French Language and Literature from the former Daisan High School
1953 Graduates from the Department of German Literature, Faculty of Letters, as the first student of the newly established University of Tokyo

Broadcasting: JOKR (radio) to program production at TBS Television - 1979
Stage: Creative work at DANCE THEATER CUBIC, script & direction - 1991
Teaching Part-time lecturer at Shukutoku Junior College / Japan Women’s College of Physical Education - 1997
Criticism and screening of creative works, especially contemporary dance - 2013
For the above dance-related work, he used the pen name Shiro Kusaka.

[Major Works]

●Works by Hiroaki Ukai
“Dialogue with the Sun and Sand: The Silk Road in West Asia” (1983) (in Japanese)
“The University of Tokyo, 75 Years of Student Theatre: From Okada Yoshiko to Noda Hideki” (1997 Shimizu Shoin)
“Sasuga buyo, saredo buyo” (2005, Bungeisha)
“Nana to Jean: Showa 20s ga unda seishun no fu jogekan” (Nana and Jean: Memories of Youth Sprouting in Showa 20th, upper and lower volumes) (2016, Seiransha)

●Works by Shiro Kusaka
“The Voyage of Modern Dance” (1976, Mokujisha)
“The Pale Women of Takehisa Yumeji” (1994, Modern Bungeisha)
“Gendai Buyo ga Miete Kuru” (1997, Okisakusha)
Series “From the Window of Dance” (2003-2012, 3 volumes, Araki Shuppan)
Translated book “Rudolf Laban” (2007 Taishukan Shoten) Others

●Video production (6 volumes, 1 hour each, script, direction, and explanatory pamphlet)
Volume 1: People of the Pioneer Era - Volume 6: The Development of the Postwar Generation (1988-2005CDAJ)


