Zashikiwarashi in the Classroom

(著) 二村昭美



“Are you guys zashiki-warashi?!”
Mr. Yamabiko uttered his favorite phrase. Our teacher always said this when the classroom was too quiet.
Ms. Fumiko who was our teacher until the fourth grade, would always scold, “Quiet down,” when it got too noisy. However, our current teacher, Mr. Yamabiko, was the complete opposite. He actually seemed to be in a better mood when everyone was cheerfully talking, or playfully arguing. It was the first time we got in trouble for being too quiet, so we were completely confused.

[Author Biography]
Noriyoshi Nimura

Born in Nagano Prefecture in 1955. Graduate of Tokyo Gakugei University. After working in the international business division of a subsidiary of Time Life Japan, he became an elementary school teacher at a school in Nagano Prefecture. Responsible for regular classes and language classes. Focused on broadcast education, media education, and literary education. Wrote songs influenced from his life with children and performed them together. Performed concerts at local libraries, museums, Japanese poem venues, and schools, while being known for his storytelling, which combines history and classical literature with classical music from a unique perspective. Following retirement, he continues to be an active jazz singer. This work is a greatly revised version of work presented six times in 2017, during literary and storytelling concerts of regular live performances, at the specialty coffee shop “Mame Kobo” in Matsumoto City of Nagano Prefecture.
Author of the sci-fi adventure study manga “Rikka Sentai Denchiman” published by Shinshu Kyoiku Publishing Company.
Writer for “Let’s Make Anime for TV” for “365 Days of Educational Broadcasting” (Holp Publishing).
“Zashiki-warashi in the Classroom” Craft Sha (November 2018)
*This work is an e-book version of the book shown to the right.
Narrator of “Tanoshii Nihongo”, teaching materials for educating children overseas (Shogakukan).

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