The World Of Mind’s Eye

(著) 五十嵐誠



Recently, I decided to gather my works in one book. I wanted to have a connection with people who see my pictures.
For me pictures are very personal thing. I think if I didn’t have my mother and teacher Nishikawa (calligrapher Tei Nishikawa) I wouldn’t draw. It started when I was young, and my mother became a student at teacher Nishikawa’s class. For my mother, it was ten years of hard study. I was also all dedicated to teacher Nishikawa’s classes, putting away my high school and university studies. I thought - “There are unbelievably fantastic people in this world”. My studies and image of people’s life - all was turned over from its root.
I thought that teacher Nishikawa was a man who always asks himself - “What is calligraphy?” or “Why do I do calligraphy?” We often spoke about it with my mother. And we decided - we have to do this thing called “calligraphy”.
The masterpieces of my mother I put here are all approved by teacher Nishikawa. But I didn’t realize it that time. And my mother did “calligraphy”. Her aim was to do it. I realized it more than twenty years after. This experience of me and teacher Nishikawa turned to my own question - “What is drawing?” Since that time I began to draw seriously.
Recently I started thinking that pictures are something metaphysical. You can’t explain this - you can only believe it as a part of this world, seen by your heart.

Author profile
Makoto Igarashi

10th AIDS Charity Art Exhibition Owen Hunt special Award
Punoregaria International Art Exposition National Overseas Museum Award
Moscow International Art Exposition Russian National Arts Academy Jury Prize
11th AIDS Charity Art Exhibition Mochida Sosyo Arts Award
Japan and Western Arts Exchange Festival Panoreserona City Council Award
12th AIDS Charity Art Exhibition STOP AIDS Artistic Achievement Award
12th AIDS Charity Art Exhibition Fuji Television Award
13th AIDS Charity Art Exhibition Mori Yoshio Arts Award
Japan and Hungary Arts Exchange Festival International Art Management Award
14th AIDS Charity Exhibition Minato-Ku mayor Award and many other Awards


